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Von Helfenstein
Spectral Tilt

This month Burnt Seed Records brings us a rare collection of new sounds from the reclusive Baron Von Helfenstein.

Following the trail of limited information provided by his staff regarding his movements, word has it that the Baron was seen as having emerged from his residence that is hidden somewhere atop the five valleys of Geislingen to deliver his music via a physical package to the representative offices of Burnt Seed Enterprises International, which were then sent by courier to the Perth, Western Australia based head office.
Sporting the finest of old world fashions, resplendent with starched collars and what seemed like jousting attire, the Baron was apparently quite jovial with the staff at the nearby logistics headquarters, who were pleased to see his presence again after such a long time out of the public eye.

The management at Burnt Seed have taken careful time to sift through the somewhat expansive selection of compositions provided on the tape spools that have been titled as “irregular soliloquies and dirges for organ and 3U modular systems highlighting spectral harmonics”, before coming to the final curated set that are presented here today as the Spectral Tilt suite. The head curator notes that the compositions appear to be written under the influence of the fragmented conceptual styles from a certain Mr. A.E. van Vogt and his concerns of the impacts of temporal conundra and the balance of spectral sonics on a wide palette of audio frequencies. Other than this information, further details of the Baron and his lifestyle are quite sparse.

There have been rumours that his inner circle spend considerable time with him in his studio, that has been called, amongst other names, the “Ergonomic Sound Office”. The existence of this place is yet to be ratified, but until further information comes to light this music is the best opening into the world of Baron Von Helfenstein.

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