
A genre-bending electronic odyssey unfolds as Sunny Gianni delivers metamorphic instrumental experimentation, while Xylander channels 90s Warp Records vibes. Fighting Kites serves up post-rock-noise-pop anthologies as Azuhl crafts immersive lofi soundscapes. Echo Vocation weaves mellow ambient guitar with guzheng textures, while Nedogled conjures haunting synthscapes and sludgy riffs.

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66 codes remaining

Sunny Gianni
Sunny Gianni

synthesizer / video game music / soundtrack / idm / instrumental / electronica / synthwave / alternative / experimental / electronic

"Metamorphic instrumental experimental electronica."

Fighting Kites
Mustard After Dinner - An Anthology of Fighting Kites

noise pop / post-rock / indie / instrumental / rock / alternative / experimental

"Post-Rock-Noise-Pop? Damn right, it’s Fighting Kites. Features Christmas duet with Benjamin Shaw."

97 codes remaining