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Dark Matter

electronic music / progressive house / synthwave

"edit navigation bar From the Galactic Core to the Edge of Space: A Journey Through the Infinite Expanse"

78 codes remaining

Pleasure Boat
I'm not Lost (I'm Browsing)

chillwave / electronic / synthwave / vaporwave

"The Greatest Retail Music Experience"

5 codes remaining


ambient / analog / drone / electronic / moog / mother32 / synth

"Stilted, minimalist drum machine spats and repetitions of contrapuntal synth syncopations."

4 codes remaining

James Parrott
Drifting Through a Midsummer's Night

ambient drone

"ambient drone"

2 codes remaining

Orvang Halmer
World Carousel

ambient / drone / experimental / lofi / psychedelic / tape music

"Synthesized melodies bend and warp around each other, briskly dissolving into the hazy atmosphere."

16 codes remaining

Space Travel

electronic music / progressive house / synthwave

"Space Travel"

13 codes remaining


black metal

"An atmospheric concept album with an oppressive atmosphere"

Popular Release

14 codes remaining

Ganymede Dreams

electronic music / progressive house / synthwave

"Ganymede Dreams - Space Music!"

18 codes remaining

Infinite Expanse Vol. 1

electronic music / progressive house / synthwave

"Infinite Expanse - Space Music! :)"

19 codes remaining
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